Vikram kumar Yadav
2 min readMar 25, 2021


In this blog we will see How we can export a dashboard in PDF form and set up a Report.
This would help in automation of Dashboard and can directly view dashboard from the mail and can save ample about of time.
Below are the steps where we can schedule a dashboard as an report. But before that there are some limitions in PDF form of a Dashboard
Dashboard Should have simple query If there are token passing in Dashboard the “Schedule Delivery Option” while be disable.
So try keeping dashboard as simple as possible.

STEP 1:-
Open dashboard we want to schedule as a report providing PDF form of dashboard.

STEP 2:- Click on “Export” Button and select “Schedule PDF Delivery”

Step 3:- Click on Checkbox to schedule Dashboard as PDF format.

Step 4:- Once click on checkbox, you will see Schedule/Cron options , Mailing Options just like normal report.

Before Schedule you can send a test mail to see Dashboard is getting render properly and can also view PDF form of Dashboard.

Preview Of Dashboard in PDF form

I hope you like this blog if you are still facing issue regarding this topic feel free to ask doubts in the comment section below and don’t forget to follow our more Splunk blogs on Avotrix.
happy Splunking >



Vikram kumar Yadav
Vikram kumar Yadav

Written by Vikram kumar Yadav

📊Big Data Analyst - Splunk Admin & Architect 📽Youtuber 🧰Web & App Developer 🍜Foodie 🧗‍♀️Traveler 🎂23rd July 🤵Believe in yourself

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